I hope this blog will help some of you. :)
Ok so we all know when I first moved from my hometown Jackson I was so pissed. I thought the world was over. And for a while... It was. You see all I cared about was getting back to Jackson and not worrying about my life here in my new town. I was always trying to text my friends in Jackson or just feel like a part of the town still. And here I had nothing. Then one day I read a poem. It was a small poem and it went like this.
Make new friends but keep the old,
One is silver the other gold.
And when I looked deeper into this poem I found that it was right. So I followed the advice and started opening my social life. Sure I made a few friends but it will never be like the friends I have in Jackson. But you know what? I have my friends here and they are silver. And when I visit my old town ever few weeks I see my old friends and they are gold. So why not accept both in my life? Thats what I saw. That I needed to accept the fact that this was my new life and I was ready to live it. So It's a nice treat when I visit my old friends but it doesn't happen to often. So for now I live my life with a balance of silver and gold. And this is what I have come to accept.
What I'm trying to say is.... Just live your life now and try not to worry. And always keep your mind open for new ideas and friends and lifestyles.
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